15 Minute Power Plays With Your Kids: How To Be A Better Parent In 15 Minutes A Day - E-Book
If you feel guilty because you worry you don't spend enough quality time with your kids then this book may be the perfect antidote to your guilt. This eBook gives you 31 simple ideas for how to spend quality time with your kids in short windows of time. By using those small windows of time each day to spend quality time with your kids, you will strengthen and enhance the connection between you and your children - a habit that you and your kids will reap the rewards of for decades to come!
This eBook also includes an amazing 73-page Bonus Mega Resource Guide filled with 100s of links to blog articles, websites, books and other online resources to help you make the most of your 15 Minute Power Plays (to save you doing the research yourself!). The Bonuses also include a simplified Micro Resource Link List (to save you wading through the huge one when you just want one link), and a free Planner for a 31 in 41 Day Power Play Challenge to help you develop the "habit" of spending regular quality time with your kids.
For more info on the book & its author, Louise Bibby, please visit http://www.15MinutePowerPlaysWithYourKids.com